Objectives: Bleeding and thrombo-embolism are two of the most threatening adverse events associated with the use of continuous flow left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) in the treatment of severe heart failure. We analysed our LVAD patients treated with the HeartMate II (HM II) device by following a low anticoagulation regimen.
Methods: Between 2008 and February 2011, we implanted 40 HM II LVADs in our institution. Intention to treat was bridge to transplant in 25, destination therapy in 9, bridge to candidacy in 5 cases and bridge to recovery in 1 case. Heparin was started only after 24 h postoperatively, and Phenprocumon (Phen) was started after removal of all chest drains. International normalized ratio (INR) target in the years 2008-2009 was 2.5, and 2.0-2.5 since 2010. Acetyl salicylic acid (ASA) was prescribed 50-100 mg/day only in patients <55 years or in case of severe atherosclerotic disease of the right coronary artery. All data were analysed consecutively concerning thrombo-embolic and bleeding events.
Results: Fifty-two percent of the patients were in INTERMACS level 1 or 2 at the time of implantation. The mean age was 58 ± 11 years, and the mean days under LVAD was 241 days (maximum: 1052 days). The survival rate was 87.5% after 30 years and 75% in the long term. Early postoperatively, no strokes or thrombo-embolic events occurred. In the long term, two patients suffered from ischaemic strokes, but recovered well. In both of these index events, the INR was lasting below 1.4. One of these two patients developed pump thrombosis additionally. Only three patients (ASA + Phen) developed gastrointestinal bleeding (7.5%). Two patients were withdrawn from Phen + ASA because of multiple angiodysplasia.
Conclusions: Compared with the literature, even a mild anticoagulation protocol does not increase the risk of thrombotic events, but reduces bleeding events in the use of an HM II LVAD.