Exercise stimulates insulin-independent glucose transport in skeletal muscle and also increases the sensitivity of the glucose transport process in muscle to insulin. A previous study [D. A. Young, H. Wallberg-Henriksson, M. D. Sleeper, and J. O. Holloszy. Am. J. Physiol. 253 (Endocrinol. Metab. 16): E331-E335, 1987] showed that the exercise-induced increase in glucose transport activity disappears rapidly when rat epitrochlearis muscles are incubated for 3 h in vitro in the absence of insulin and that 7.5 microU/ml insulin in the incubation medium apparently slowed the loss of enhanced sugar transport. We examined whether addition of insulin several hours after exercise increases glucose transport to the same extent as continuous insulin exposure. Addition of 7.5 microU/ml insulin 2.5 h after exercise (when glucose transport has returned to basal levels) increased sugar transport to the same level as that which resulted from continuous insulin exposure. This finding provides evidence for an increase in insulin sensitivity rather than a slowing of reversal of the exercise-induced increase in insulin-independent glucose transport activity. Glucose transport was enhanced only at submaximal, not at maximal, insulin concentrations. Exposure to a high concentration of glucose and a low insulin concentration reduced the exercise-induced increase in insulin-sensitive glucose transport. Incubation with a high concentration of 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) did not alter the increase in insulin sensitivity, even though a large amount of 2-DG entered the muscle and was phosphorylated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)