Purpose: Learning laparoscopic urethrovesical anastomosis is a crucial step in laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. Previously we noted that practice on a low fidelity urethrovesical model was more effective for trainees than basic suturing drills on a foam pad when learning laparoscopic urethrovesical anastomosis skills. We evaluated learner transfer of skills, specifically whether skills learned on the urethrovesical model would transfer to a high fidelity, live animal model.
Materials and methods: A total of 28 senior residents, fellows and staff surgeons in urology, general surgery and gynecology were randomized to 2 hours of laparoscopic urethrovesical anastomosis training on a urethrovesical model (group 1) or to basic laparoscopic suturing and knot tying on foam pads (group 2). All participants then performed timed laparoscopic urethrovesical anastomosis on anesthetized female pigs. A blinded urologist scored subject videotaped performance using checklist, global rating scale and end product rating scores.
Results: Group 1 was significantly more adept than group 2 at the laparoscopic urethrovesical anastomosis pig task when measured by the checklist, global rating scale and end product rating (each p <0.05). Time to completion was similar in the 2 groups. No statistically significant difference was noted in global rating scale and checklist scores for laparoscopic urethrovesical anastomosis performed on the urethrovesical model vs the pig.
Conclusions: Training on a urethrovesical model is superior to training with basic laparoscopic suturing on a foam pad for performing laparoscopic urethrovesical anastomosis skills on an anesthetized female pig. Skills learned on a urethrovesical model transfer to a high fidelity, live animal model.
Copyright © 2012 American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.