The intravessel microenvironment has significant effects on cancer metastasis. The aim of the present study was to determine how the morphologic and immunophenotypic features of cancer cells and infiltrating stromal cells within the permeated lymphatic vessels are associated with lymphogenic metastasis. A total of 137 primary lung adenocarcinoma patients with extratumoral lymphatic permeations were examined. Morphologically, the floating cancer nests within the permeated lymphatic vessels were divided into two types: Type A, consisting of a single large cancer nest; and Type B, consisting of multiple small cancer nests. We compared the clinicopathologic characteristics and the immunophenotypes of the cancer cells and infiltrating stromal cells between the Type A and Type B nests. Eleven of 54 Type A patients (20%) had intrapulmonary metastases, compared with 36 of 83 Type B patients (43%; P = 0.006). Immunohistochemically, Type B cancer cells expressed significantly higher levels of CD44 than Type A cancer cells (mean scoresAUTHOR: Scores - what is this score? Is it the number of cells expressing CD44 or the concentration of CD44 or some other type of scoring system? 43.0 vs 20.5, respectively) and E-cadherin (60.5 vs 31.5, respectively), but lower levels of Geminin (11.9% vs 20.3%, respectively) and cleaved caspase 3 (2.4% vs 7.8%AUTHOR: 11.9% vs 20.3%, respectively) and cleaved caspase 3 (2.4% vs 7.8%, - what do the percentages here refer to? The number of cells expressing geminin and caspase 3? The levels of these factors? Please clarify., respectively). Moreover, a significantly larger number of CD204-positive macrophages were present within the cancer-permeated lymphatic vessels in Type B patients than in Type A patients (mean number 9.5 vs 4.6, respectively). The present study reveals that intralymphatic cancer cell and stromal cell phenotypes are susceptible to lymphogenic metastasis, suggesting that lymphogenic metastasis may be affected by the intralymphatic microenvironment they create.
© 2012 Japanese Cancer Association.