The purpose of this study was to describe the occurrence, nature and perception of the influence of mentoring for full-time occupational therapy faculty members who are on the tenure track or eligible for re-appointment in the United States. An online survey was sent during 2010 September, the beginning of the academic year, to all 818 potential participants in the United States entry-level and doctoral programmes. Fifty six of 107 participants who met the criteria reported being in a mentoring relationship and positively rated their perception of the influence of mentoring on academic success and academic socialization. The response of all participants to open-ended questions describes preferred mentoring characteristics (providing information, support), benefits (having someone to go to, easing the stress) and challenges (not enough time, mentoring not valued). Findings inform current and potential faculty of the current state of mentoring. Administrators can use this information when designing mentoring opportunities, educating mentors and mentees about the mentoring process, arranging mentors/mentees release time for engaging in the mentoring process and finally, managing the mentor/mentee needs. The cross-sectional survey of the United States occupational therapy faculty limits generalizability yet paves the way for future studies to explore retention and recruitment of mentored faculty across countries.
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