Recent development of open-loop electric potential microscopy (OL-EPM) has enabled to measure local potential distribution at a solid/liquid interface. However, the operating environment of OL-EPM has been limited to a weak electrolyte solution (<1 mM). This has significantly limited its application range in biology and chemistry. To overcome this limitation, we have developed dual frequency (DF) mode OL-EPM. In the method, an ac bias voltage consisting of two frequency components at f(1) and f(2) is applied between a tip and sample. The local potential is calculated from the amplitudes of the f(1) and |f(1) - f(2)| components of the electrostatic force. In contrast to the conventional single frequency (SF) mode OL-EPM, the detection of the 2f(1) component is not required in DF mode. Thus, the maximum bias modulation frequency in DF mode is twice as high as that in SF mode. The high bias modulation frequency used in DF mode prevents the generation of electrochemical reactions and redistribution of ions and water, which enables to operate OL-EPM even in a strong electrolyte solution. In this study, we have performed potential measurements of nanoparticles on a graphite surface in 1 and 10 mM NaCl solution. The results demonstrate that DF mode OL-EPM allows measurements of local potential distribution in 10 mM electrolyte solution.