The author performed a pilot study of nicardipine (NC), a Ca(+)+ channel blocker, to study its dosing, toxicity, and possible efficacy for hemispheric cerebral infarction within 12 hours (mean 6.9 hr) of onset to determine the advisability of proceeding with a multi-centered controlled trial. NC was administered IV (3 to 7 mg/hr) X 72 hours by titrating dose to mean arterial blood pressure (MABP not less than 10% of baseline), then orally X 30 days. Forty-three patients have been entered; mean age 63 (range 34-89), 25 male and 18 female. Only 3 had CT evidence of infarct on entry. Results have shown improvement in a 100-point (pt) graded exam (40 pts at entry, 68 pts at 3 months). Of 20 patients completing 3 months' evaluation, 17 improved and none worsened. Sixteen out of 20 were at home and 8 had minimal or no impairment. Mean Barthel's index was 72. Mean maximal serum NC level was 75 ng/mL. MABP decreased from 103 (entry) to 83 (72 hours). A larger controlled study is warranted to determine the efficacy of NC for acute cerebral infarct.