Radiotherapy (RT) is commonly used as adjuvant treatment following hysterectomy and double oophorectomy in endometrial carcinoma. Prophylactic vaginal brachytherapy (BT) is the most common treatment in BT units. The PORTEC and GOG 99 studies have attempted to clarify the indications of BT and postoperative external RT, changing treatment standards. However, prophylactic BT regimens are very varied and there is currently no consensus on how to treat patients in terms of dose per fraction and number of fractions. Moreover, unoperated cases of endometrium are uncommon and there is limited experience in their treatment with BT. The 9th Consensus Meeting of the SEOR and SEFM Brachytherapy Group, held in Malaga on 11 March 2011, was therefore dedicated to "Brachytherapy in Endometrial Carcinoma". This article presents the consensus on treatment of endometrial carcinoma in operated (prophylactic vaginal BT) and unoperated (endouterine BT) patients.