Tissue repair is an excellent example of pathophysiological model for studying the role of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) on eukaryotic cells. It has been established that two COX isoforms are expressed in human tissues: constitutive or induced. COX-1 activity is constitutive, present in nearly all cell types at a constant level; COX-2 activity is normally absent from cells, and when induced, the protein levels increase and decrease in a matter of hours after a single stimulus. Thus, the purpose of this review was to describe the role of COX-2 during tissue repair induced by low level laser therapy (LLLT) in humans and experimental models. COX-2 expression has been implicated in the onset or the exacerbation of inflammation during tissue repair induced by LLLT in a number of studies, Many studies are conducted to investigate the role of COX-2 during tissue repair induced by LLLT using different experimental protocols and dosages. Therefore, this is an area that warrants investigation, since the estimation of COX-2 expression from using such important techniques in therapeutics with respect to tissue repair will be added to those already established in the literature as a way to improve health status and prevention of side effects.