Callithrix jacchus (common marmoset) is regularly used in biomedical research, including for studies involving the skeleton. To support these studies, skeletons of healthy animals that had been euthanized for reasons not interfering with skeletal anatomy were prepared. The marmoset dental formula 2I-1C-3P-2M of each oral quadrant is atypical for New World monkeys which commonly possess a third molar. Seven cervical, 12-13 thoracic, 7-6 lumbar, 2-3 sacral and 26-29 caudal vertebrae are present, the thoracolumbar region always comprising 19 vertebrae. A sigmoid clavicle connects the scapula with the manubrium of the sternum. Depending on the number of thoracic vertebrae, 4-5 sternebrae are located between the manubrium and xiphoid process. Wide interosseous spaces separate the radius from the ulna, and the tibia from the fibula. A small sesamoid bone is inserted in the m. abductor digiti primi longus at the medial border of the carpus, a pair of ovoid sesamoid bones is located at the palmar/plantar sides of the trochleae of each metapodial bone, and round fabellae articulate with the proximal surfaces of the femoral condyles. Male marmosets possess a small penile bone. Both the front and hind feet have five digits. The hallux possesses a flat nail, whereas all other digits present curved claws. Interestingly, a central bone is present in both the carpus and tarsus. This study provides a description and detailed illustrations of the skeleton of the common marmoset as an anatomical guide for further biomedical research.