PTLD is a very severe, life threatening complication after organ transplantation. A 17 years old female patient with kidney transplanted (KTx) 7th months ago on immunosuppression therapy: Tacrolimus (TAC), Cell Cept (MMF), Encorton (Enc) was described. She was admitted to the hospital due to: fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea and enlarged cervical and inguinal lymph nodes on palpation. Histopathological diagnosis revealed monomorphic PTLD; diffuse large B cell lymphoma, immunoblastic. Treatment of PTLD was started immediatly after the final diagnosis. MMF was stopped, dose of TAC was reduced (blood level 3-4 ng/ ml), Enc were continued. Anti-CD20 antibodies (Rituximab) were administered. After 7 days of treatment the patient developed signs of diffuse peritonitis. In the course of surgery, perforation in six sites of the small intestine and sigmoid colon were discovered. The Hartman's surgery was performed (sigmoidectomy) with formation of temporary sigmoideostomy. Resected parts of intestine and sigmoid colon were infiltrated by immnunoblasts and revealed diffuse necrosis - the same process was seen in lymph nodes. After the wounds healed, Rituksymab was continued (8 doses) and chemotherapy was started - CHOP - 6 cycles every month. Eight months after surgery, full remission was obtained, TAC was change to rapamycine (RAP) and closure of sigmoideostomy was performed. At present, almost 10 years after first symptoms of PTLD, the patient remains in full remission of the disease.