Lipoxins have emerged as mediators of key events in endogenous anti-inflammation and resolution. However, the implication of these novel lipid mediators on neuroinflammation has not been investigated. Microglia is the major cells involved in brain tissue damage during infection and neurodegenerative diseases. One of the major features shared by neuroinflammation conditions is the increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by NADPH oxidase activation. In this study, we have examined whether aspirin-triggered lipoxin A(4) (ATL) modulates ROS generation in BV2 cells. Pre-treatment of BV2 cells with ATL blocked ROS production triggered by LPS in the time-dependent and concentration-dependent manner. ATL inhibited the translocation of the cytoplasmic NADPH oxidase subunit p47(phox) to the cell membrane as well as NADPH oxidase activity. Taken together, these results demonstrate that ATL suppresses NADPH oxidase-mediated ROS generation in BV2 microglia cells, strongly indicating that ATL may play an important role against the development and progression of neuroinflammtion.