Objectives: To document and analyse the various dental ailments reported and treatments administered during the 2010 Commonwealth Games, held in Delhi, India, based on the treatment registries at the dental clinic in the medical centre in the Commonwealth Games Village and at the primary nodal centre.
Methods: A retrospective analysis of dental treatments administered at the Commonwealth Games Village medical centre, from 23 September to 16 October 2010, was conducted. Cases reported referred to athletes, their family members and ancillary staff. A total of 342 instances of various treatments were reported.
Results: Patients reporting dental complaints and/or receiving dental treatment represented 5.3% of games participants and ancillary personnel. The largest groups of patients categorised by country of origin came from India, the host nation, followed by Kenya and Nigeria. Most of the interventions were prescription-based and included medications for dental pain and infections, followed by restorative or conservative procedures.
Conclusions: A standardised guideline on the minimum requirements for a dental clinic for the Commonwealth Games should be established by the Commonwealth Federation.
© 2012 FDI World Dental Federation.