Background: Dextrocardia situs inversus refers to the heart being a mirror image situated on the right side of the body. Distorted cardiac anatomy provides technical difficulties during fluoroscopy-guided transcatheter procedures. This is even more difficult in the case with percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy (PTMC). Mitral valvuloplasty is a minimally invasive therapeutic procedure to correct an uncomplicated mitral stenosis by dilating the valve using a balloon. Here, we describe a case of a 25 years-old male with situs inversus and dextrocardia.
Case report: A 25 years-old man, having situs inversus and suffering from mitral stenosis was referred to hospital for PTMC. His initial examination findings were unremarkable and an electrocardiographic (ECG), trans-esophageal and transthoracic echocardiographic evaluation were performed. Mitral valve (MV) was dome shape and severely stenotic with mild mitral regurgitation (MR). Left ventricularejection Fraction (LVEF) was about 40%, Femoral arterial and venous punctures were made on the left side; the left femoral artery and vein were cannulated with a 5F arterial and 6F venous sheaths, respectively. Then special maneuvers were done to solve the mitral valve stenosis. At the end of the procedure, no MR was documented by checking LV angiogram and there were no signs of mitral stenosis (MS).
Conclusion: Mirror-image dextrocardia, as in our case, has been estimated to occur with a prevalence of 1:10,000. However, there are only a few case reports in the literature on PTMC in similar settings. This might be due to the fact that many of these patients undergo surgical commissurotomy due to the technical difficulties involved in a percutaneous procedure in general. Trans-septal catheterization is considered a technical challenge in anatomically malpositioned hearts, as it is fraught with a higher risk of cardiac perforation. Despite the challenging anatomy, PTMC has been demonstrated to be a safe and feasible option for MS in patients with unusual cardiac anatomy.
Keywords: Dextrocardia; PTMC; Surgical Commissurotomy.