In cytokinesis, there is a lengthy interval between cleavage furrow ingression and abscission, during which the midbody microtubule bundle provides both structural support for a narrow intercellular bridge and a platform that orchestrates the biochemical preparations for abscission. It is currently unclear how the midbody structure is stably maintained during this period. Here, we report a novel role for the ADP-ribosylation factor 6 (ARF6) GTPase in the post-mitotic stabilisation of midbody. Centralspindlin kinesin-6/RhoGAP complex, a midbody component critical for both the formation and function of the midbody, assembles in a sharp band at the centre of the structure in a manner antagonised by 14-3-3 protein. We show that ARF6 competes with 14-3-3 for binding to centralspindlin such that midbodies formed by centralspindlin mutants that can bind 14-3-3 but not ARF6 frequently collapse before abscission. These data indicate a novel mechanism for the regulation of midbody dynamics in which ARF6 protects the compacted centralspindlin assembly from dissipation by 14-3-3.