Peptide sequences lacking basic residues (arginine, lysine, or histidine, referred to as "base-less") are of particular importance in proteomic experiments targeting protein C-termini or employing nontryptic proteases such as GluC or chymotrypsin. We demonstrate enhanced identification of base-less peptides by focused analysis of singly charged precursors in liquid chromatography (LC) electrospray ionization (ESI) tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). Singly charged precursors are often excluded from fragmentation and sequence analysis in LC-MS/MS. We generated different pools of base-less and base-containing peptides by tryptic and nontryptic digestion of bacterial proteomes. Focused LC-MS/MS analysis of singly charged precursor ions yielded predominantly base-less peptide identifications. Similar numbers of base-less peptides were identified by LC-MS/M Sanalysis targeting multiply charged precursors. There was little redundancy between the base-less sequences derived by both MS/MS schemes. In the present experimental outcome, additional LC-MS/MS analysis of singly charged precursors substantially increased the identification rate of base-less sequences derived from multiply charged precursors. In conclusion, LC-MS/MS based identification of base-less peptides is substantially enhanced by additional focused analysis of singly charged precursors.
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