Polymorphisms present in the first intron of IFN-γ may have an important role in the regulation of the immune response, which could have functional consequences for gene transcription. Leprosy patients are characterized by different immune responses in different clinical forms. We investigated a possible association of the +874 polymorphism and CA repeats present in the first intron of IFN-γ with susceptibility to leprosy and with the manifestation of the different clinical forms. Nucleotide sequencing was performed with samples from 108 leprosy patients and 113 controls subjects, as well as immunophenotyping of CD(4)(+), CD(8)(+) and CD(69)(+) T cells by flow cytometry. The data showed that there were no significant differences between patients and control subjects, as well as according classification of Ridley-Jopling. However, the A/A genotype was significantly increased in paucibacillary patients (p=0.028) and the microsatellite encoding 16 CA repeats were significantly associated with paucibacillary compared to multibacillary patients (p=0.019). Individuals homozygous for the +874 A allele, the mean level of CD(4)(+) and CD(69)(+) T cells was higher. Our data suggest that polymorphisms present in the first intron of IFN-γ are not associated with susceptibility to leprosy, nevertheless, the +874 polymorphism and the CA repeats number encoded in IFN-γ gene may be related to a higher cellular immune response in patients and are consistently more frequently detected in PB patients.
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