Natural killer (NK) and T-lymphocytes monitor human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-E expression through CD94:NKG2 heterodimers. Structural polymorphism is not a hallmark for NK-complex genes on chromosome 12, except for complete NKG2C deletion in some humans. We present a method for fast, simple and accurate assessment of NKG2C copy-number variation - presence or absence in the genome of an NKG2C gene, in homo- or heterozygosis, is detected by a single conventional polymerase chain reaction that yields amplicons of different lengths in each genotype. We have also determined the NKG2C genotypes of a reference cell panel comprising 13 NK- and tumour-cell lines and 39 Epstein-Barr virus transformed cells from the International Histocompatibility Workshop. Our results should facilitate research on the importance of NKG2C and its deletion for immunity.
© 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.