Objective: To evaluate the factor structure of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist-civilian version (PCL-C), in order to complement its validation process in Brazil.
Method: An exploratory factor analysis with promax rotation was conducted in 175 ambulance workers of the Emergence Rescue Group (GSE from Portuguese) of the Rio de Janeiro fire brigade and 343 military police officers (MP) (150 from an elite unit of the state of Goiás). RESULTS The results revealed a two-factor solution: re-experience/avoidance, numbing/hyperarousal. All variables loaded highly in at least one factor, except for one; variable 16. This item may have had a bad performance because the analysis was based on a sample of police officers, whose professional activity demands hypervigilance as one of its basic characteristics. Internal consistency values were acceptable.
Conclusions: Avoidance and numbing seem to be independent dimensions, differently from what is expected according to the DSM-IV. Therefore, new trials should be carried out in other populations, with victims of different kinds of trauma, and including females, to verify these findings.