Objective: Extracorporeal magnetic innervation (ExMI) is a non-invasive therapy for treatment of urinary incontinence (UI). The aim of the current study was to evaluate the efficacy of ExMI in a prospective case series.
Patients and methods: Over a period of 1.5 years 63 consecutive patients with a clinically and urodynamically confirmed diagnosis of urinary incontinence were enrolled. All patients requested an additional non-surgical therapy option and the ExMI system (Neo control™, Kitalpha, USA) was used. The therapy consisted of 12 treatment sessions two to three times a week. Primary outcome parameter was reduction of the number of pads per 24 h and secondary outcome parameters were patient satisfaction, adverse events and duration of the therapeutic effect.
Results: A total of 63 patients (57 male and 6 female), mean age 68±7.1 years were recruited. After completion a significant (p=0.001) reduction of the number of pads used per 24 h was observed (from 5.4±3.7 to 2.7±2.5) which persisted after a median follow-up of 12.5 months (2.3±2.2 pads per 24 h). Also patients suffering from UI after prostatectomy revealed a significant (p=0.001) reduction in the number of pads from 4.8±2.9 to 2.6±2.6 with persistence at 2.5±2.5 at follow-up. Transient, self-limiting perineal pain in three patients was the only reported side effect.
Conclusions: The ExMI procedure is an additional non-invasive therapy option for patients with urinary incontinence. However, sham-controlled studies are required to corroborate the therapy effect.