Introduction: Routine vaccination of infants with protein-conjugated 7-valent pneumococcal vaccine (PCV7) begun in 2000 initiated a sea change of prevalent serotypes (STs) in invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD). The authors investigated in 1 community all STs causing IPD during 5 years before (PRE) and 2, 5-year periods after (POST1 and POST2) its initiation and found that PCV7 adversely affected ST coverage of 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23) among adults.
Methods: From 1996-2010, 620 consecutive Streptococcus pneumoniae IPD strains from adults (521) and children (99) hospitalized with IPD in Huntington, WV, were collected. Each strain was typed by Quellung reaction. The Marshall University Institutional Review Board approved this study.
Results: By 6 to 10 years after the initiation of PCV7, IPD in children decreased significantly, whereas IPD in adults increased significantly. In both adults and children, IPD due to PCV7 STs decreased significantly. In adults with IPD, PCV7 STs were replaced by several non-PCV7 STs including STs contained in PPV23 but not in PCV7 and STs not contained in either vaccine. IPD due to 4 nonsusceptible STs included in PCV7 decreased from PRE to POST1 and POST2. IPD due to nonsusceptible STs not included in PCV7 increased from PRE to POST1 and POST2.
Conclusions: Routine PCV7 decreased IPD in children but not in adults. Predominant STs changed--children exhibited fewer PCV7 STs and adults exhibited fewer PCV7 and PPV23 STs--reducing vaccine coverage and increasing the risk of replacement STs causing IPD in adults.