Objectives: To review the National Integrated Strategic Plan for Pandemic Influenza for 2009-2013 and assess whether it is in congruence with the nation's emergency preparedness status.
Method: The authors examined the National Plan 'as is' and evaluated it against the 'State and Local Pandemic Influenza Planning Checklist' of the Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The authors matched the activities in the National Plan apropos the national emergency response capabilities. From the legal framework, published studies and other grey literature on the thematic areas of the Plan, the authors developed key items found in response programmes and drew a 5-point Likert-type scale for assessment. The authors analysed the results in relation to WHO's framework for hospital emergency preparedness, and conducted two-sample non-parametric Wilcoxon rank sum (Mann-Whitney) tests.
Results/discussion: The result showed that Ghana's health emergency preparedness is in disarray. About 75% of the health facilities lack emergency preparedness plans, surge capacity planning, triage for mass event and mutual aid agreements.
Conclusions: The authors concluded that the Plan is incongruent with Ghana's public health emergency preparedness. The evaluation is important for Ghana and the subregion.