Batch potency testing of rabies vaccines could be done by challenge, measurement of serum response or antigen quantification. Here, we show the development of a serological test that was successfully validated for use in batch release. The serological test is based on serum neutralization (SNT). The correlation to the NIH challenge was demonstrated by batches passing respectively failing equivalently in the NIH and SNT. The SNT provides information on immunogenicity and exhibits several advantages to the NIH: 1) SNT uses many fewer animals for batch release. 2) SNT allows quantitative information on the individual serum response, in contrast to the "dead"/"alive" interpretation of the NIH. 3) SNT is quicker than the NIH and needs fewer working hours. 4) SNT avoids the highly disturbing intra-cerebral injection and suffering from rabies for mice and spares the staff the emotional stress of massively harming animals.