A total of 1436 patients with colorectal cancer underwent resective surgery: 244 (15.6%) received combined interventions, 94 (41.9%) pelvic exenteration (PE), 38 (40.4%) complete PE, 9 (9.6%) of which were infralevator and 29 (30.8%) supralevator. In 56 (59.6%) patients posterior PE was performed, supralevator was performed in 17 (18.1%) cases and infralevator in 39 (41.5%) cases. In 47 (69.1%) of 68 supralevator PE recipients colonic anastomosis was formed. In 21 (38.9%) patients a terminal colostoma was formed, in 29 (76.3%) of 38 patients incontinent urinary diversion was formed. Continent urinary diversion was performed in 9 (23.7%) patients. Twenty six (27.6%) patients had 43 post-operative complications which were lethal in 7 (26.9%) cases.