Oscillatory and longitudinal time patterns play a major role in human physiology. In chronic hemodialysis patients, abnormalities in both time patterns have been observed, while time patterns can also influence the response of patients to the treatment. Abnormal oscillatory patterns have been observed for ultradian rhythms (cycle time <20 h), such as an impaired heart rate variability and circadian rhythms, as reflected by reduced day-night blood pressure differences. Conversely, the circadian rhythm of body temperature may influence the hemodynamic tolerance to the dialysis treatment. With regard to infradian (cycle time >28 h) rhythms, large seasonal differences in mortality, but also in blood pressure and interdialytic weight gain, have been observed in dialysis patients. The most important longitudinal pattern is the general reduction of life span in dialysis patients. One explanation of this phenomenon relates to the concept of accelerated aging in dialysis patients, for which there are various supportive arguments. From a phenomenological point of view, this concept translates into the high prevalence of frailty, even in young dialysis patients. A multidimensional approach appears necessary to adequately address this problem. In this review, the relevance of disturbed time patterns in dialysis patients is discussed. The changes may reflect an impairment or reduction in homeostatic/homeodynamic control in dialysis patients and also may have important prognostic and therapeutic implications.
Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.