Background: Striae distensae are dermal scars characterized by flattening and atrophy of the epidermis. Although many treatment modalities have been attempted with variable results, there is no criterion standard treatment modality for striae distensae.
Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of a disk microneedle therapy system (DTS) in the treatment of striae distensae.
Materials and methods: Sixteen Korean volunteers with striae distensae alba or rubra were enrolled. Patients received three treatments using a DTS at 4-week intervals. Clinical response to treatment was assessed by comparing pre- and post-treatment clinical photographs, skin biopsies, and patient satisfaction scores. Clinical improvement was assessed using the quartile grading scale.
Results: Marked to excellent improvement was noted in seven (43.8%) patients, with minimal to moderate improvement in the remaining nine. Patient satisfaction scores showed that six (37.5%) patients were highly satisfied, eight (50.0%) were somewhat satisfied, and two (12.5%) were unsatisfied. There were no significant side effects except mild pain, erythema, and spotty bleeding.
Conclusion: Disk microneedle therapy system (DTS) can be effectively and safely used in the treatment of striae distensae.
© 2012 by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Inc. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.