We aimed to identify knowledge about cervical cancer (CC) and Pap test (PT) and the barriers why women do not have Pap test done. The study was conducted with a sample of 1,036 women. Overall, 64.4 % had heard of CC, 43.1 % had heard about PT and 24.7 % had had a test at least once. It was determined that women had moderate knowledge of cervical cancer but poor knowledge of Pap test. Knowledge of CC and PT was significantly better among employed and single women, who had higher education, no prior delivery, a higher income level and regular gynaecological examination. Common barriers to PT were lack of awareness, being uncomfortable with the procedure and not knowing where to go for a PT. Utilization of the PT will not increase unless knowledge is improved and barriers are eliminated. Healthcare professionals are the key persons to provide both knowledge and facilities towards the goal of CC prevention.