A 13-year-old girl with homozygous sickle cell disease was referred for vision loss in her left eye of 1 year's duration. Clinical findings were consistent with a past retinal arterial occlusion. In the asymptomatic right eye, spectral domain optical coherence tomography showed a severe atrophy of the inner retinal layers of the temporal median raphe; a significant internal carotid stenosis was also present. We hypothesize that specific atrophy of the retinal temporal median raphe resulted from chronic ischemia. The inner layers of the retina are vascularized by terminal vessels and the median raphe can therefore be regarded as a junction territory; its atrophy may represent an ocular equivalent of a silent border zone cerebral infarct.
Copyright © 2012 American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.