Stem cell-based therapy for myocardial regeneration has reported several functional improvements that are attributed mostly to the paracrine effects stimulating angiogenesis and cell survival. This study was conducted to comparatively evaluate the potential of factors secreted by mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in normoxic and hypoxic conditions to promote tissue repair by sustaining endothelial cell (EC) adhesion and proliferation and conferring protection against apoptosis. To this aim, a conditioned medium (CM) was generated from MSCs after 24-h incubation in a serum-free normal or hypoxic environment. MSCs exhibited resistance to hypoxia, which induced increased secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and decreased levels of other cytokines, including stromal-derived factor-1 (SDF). The CM derived from normal (nMSC-CM) and hypoxic cells (hypMSC-CM) induced similar protective effects on H9c2 cells in hypoxia. Minor differences were noticed in the potential of normal versus hypoxic CM to promote angiogenesis, which were likely connected to SDFα and VEGF levels: the nMSC-CM was more effective in stimulating EC migration, whereas the hypMSC-CM had an enhanced effect on EC adhesion. However, the factors secreted by MSCs in normoxic or hypoxic conditions supported adhesion, but not proliferation, of ECs in vitro, as revealed by impedance-based dynamic assessments. Surprisingly, factors secreted by other stem/progenitor cells, such as endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), had complementary effects to the MSC-CM. Thus, the EPC-CM, in either a normal or hypoxic environment, supported EC proliferation, but did not sustain EC adhesion. Combined use of the MSC-CM and EPC-CM promoted both EC adhesion and proliferation, suggesting that the local angiogenesis at the site of ischemic injury might be better stimulated by simultaneous releasing of factors secreted by multiple stem/progenitor cell populations.