We performed an electron microscopic study of cytologic material from 20 cases of primary lung adenocarcinoma (pleural effusion, 13 cases; fine needle aspiration biopsy, 7 cases). Ultrastructural characteristics related to secretory and storing activity of adenocarcinoma cells were evaluated semiquantitatively. Data analysis identified three basic cell types (secretory, well or poorly differentiated; storing; and indifferent). We could classify our cases in five groups of pure or mixed cytotypes. Our results demonstrated a subcellular morphological heterogeneity manifested by the presence of different basic cell types: secretory, storing or indifferent features (or both); and different secretory and storage products in the same cell. This heterogeneity of lung adenocarcinoma cells suggests that the neoplasm could arise from a single cell type capable of differentiating along different lines. Cases lacking secretory differentiation seemed to be characterized by more aggressive biologic behavior. A clear correlation between the ultrastructural cytotypes identified and the clinical and prognostic data on the patients was not observed. This may be due to the fact that 75% of the patients were in clinical stage III at the time of diagnosis; also, in this series only five cases did not have characteristics that indicated secretory activity.