The article presents the course of hepatitis B transmitted from mother to her child. In the nine-week-pregnant mother HBsAg was not detected, but five months after delivery chronic stage hepatitis B was diagnosed. The infant was vaccinated twice against HBV without HBIG. At six months of age, the infant developed acute hepatitis B and Gianotti-Crosti syndrome (GCS) with high level of aminotransferase activity. In the 2nd year of life seroconversion in the HBe system and reduction of hepatitis B activity was observed.
Conclusions: 1. The double HBsAg test in pregnant women may increase the detectability of HBV infection. 2. Current prophylaxis of HBV infection is not sufficient to protect mother-to-child transmission. 3. Spontaneous regression of acute hepatitis B in infants may occur in the period of more than 6 months from the onset, that is in the chronic stage.