Here, we report a subtilase gene (SBT1.1) specifically expressed in the endosperm of Medicago truncatula and Pisum sativum seeds during development, which is located at a chromosomal position coinciding with a seed weight quantitative trait locus (QTL). Association studies between SBT1.1 polymorphisms and seed weights in ecotype collections provided further evidence for linkage disequilibrium between the SBT1.1 locus and a seed weight locus. To investigate the possible contribution of SBT1.1 to the control of seed weight, a search for TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions in Genomes) mutants was performed. An inspection of seed phenotype revealed a decreased weight and area of the sbt1.1 mutant seeds, thus inferring a role of SBT1.1 in the control of seed size in the forage and grain legume species. Microscopic analyses of the embryo, representing the major part of the seed, revealed a reduced number of cells in the MtP330S mutant, but no significant variation in cell size. SBT1.1 is therefore most likely to be involved in the control of cotyledon cell number, rather than cell expansion, during seed development. This raises the hypothesis of a role of SBT1.1 in the regulation of seed size by providing molecules that can act as signals to control cell division within the embryo.
© 2012 INRA. New Phytologist © 2012 New Phytologist Trust.