A two-dimensional model of microwave-induced plasma (field frequency 2.45 GHz) in argon at atmospheric pressure is presented. The model describes in a self-consistent manner the gas flow and heat transfer, the in-coupling of the microwave energy into the plasma, and the reaction kinetics relevant to high-pressure argon plasma including the contribution of molecular ion species. The model provides the gas and electron temperature distributions, the electron, ion, and excited state number densities, and the power deposited into the plasma for given gas flow rate and temperature at the inlet, and input power of the incoming TEM microwave. For flow rate and absorbed microwave power typical for analytical applications (200-400 ml/min and 20 W), the plasma is far from thermodynamic equilibrium. The gas temperature reaches values above 2000 K in the plasma region, while the electron temperature is about 1 eV. The electron density reaches a maximum value of about 4 × 10(21) m(-3). The balance of the charged particles is essentially controlled by the kinetics of the molecular ions. For temperatures above 1200 K, quasineutrality of the plasma is provided by the atomic ions, and below 1200 K the molecular ion density exceeds the atomic ion density and a contraction of the discharge is observed. Comparison with experimental data is presented which demonstrates good quantitative and qualitative agreement.