The therapeutic protocole used at the Gustave Roussy Institute for invasive epithelioma of the uterine cervix rests, for limited forms (T1B-T2 proximal), on combined radiology and surgery. This include the recently introduced supraradical lymphadenectomy extended to the lumboarotic lymph nodes, first-line surgery in young women to preserve the ovarian function and postoperative chemotherapy for extra-pelvic N+ forms. In extensive forms (distal T2 and T3), the treatment of choice still is radiotherapy with external irradiation associated with curietherapy. T3 forms with urinary tract involvement now benefit from interventional radiology techniques. The basic treatment of T4 forms involving the bladder and/or rectum remains radiotherapy, but wide surgical resection (exenteration) is still indicated in some cases. The treatment of particular forms (post-hysterectomy cervix, uterine prolapse, pregnancy) relies on techniques that are suitable for each individual situation.