Toluene is the most common volatile used for sniffing among adolescents. During 1983-1987, 114 drivers were arrested in Norway with blood toluene concentrations (BTCs) greater than 10 microM. Only four of these drivers were women. The age range was 15-34 years, and the mean age was 21. The mean BTC was 109 microM. There was no simple relation between blood toluene concentration and degree of impairment, however, most drivers with BTCs greater than 100 microM were considered as impaired or probably impaired by toluene. In a five year prospective study of rearrests among drivers arrested for driving after toluene sniffing, 12 out of 15 drivers were rearrested. They were responsible for 40 cases of suspected driving under influence of toluene, alcohol, or other drugs. The blood levels of toluene determined in this study must be regarded as minimum concentrations, since the toluene concentration fell rapidly in samples stored at 4 degrees C or 23 degrees C. Blood samples from drivers suspected of driving under influence of toluene must therefore be kept frozen.