Background: Although at least 20 different functional somatic syndromes (FSS) have been described, and overlaps between individual FSS and a high comorbidity with depressive and anxiety disorders have been suggested, barely any studies have examined a broad array of FSS within one study. Moreover, information on psychosocial risk factors gained from prospective studies is scarce.
Purpose: This study aimed to determine prevalence rates, overlap, and comorbidity in 17 FSS and to estimate the influence of psychosocial risk factors on the development of FSS.
Methods: In total, 3,054 students (73.4 % women) completed a Web survey containing questions on FSS, comorbidity, and psychosocial risk factors at baseline. Of these, 429 completed the survey again 6 months later.
Results: The prevalence of any FSS was 9.5 %, with 227 (78.6 %) subjects fulfilling criteria for only one FSS, 49 (17.0 %) reporting two, and 12 (4.2 %) reporting three syndromes simultaneously. Only one person suffered from four FSS at the same time. "Major depressive syndrome" (15.6 %), "panic syndrome" (4.8 %), and "other anxiety syndromes" (19.7 %) frequently occurred among persons with FSS. Significant predictors of FSS were number of somatic symptoms (OR = 1.15), impairment in daily activities (OR = 3.17), depression (OR = 1.13), and somatization (OR = 1.15).
Conclusions: Our findings indicate that FSS are common in nonclinical samples. The frequency of overlap and comorbidity in FSS was lower compared with previous research. A consideration of psychosocial risk factors is warranted in the prevention and management of FSS.