Objectives: To investigate the immunological phenotypes detected in children with recurrent upper and lower respiratory infections that have normal total immunoglobulin concentrations.
Methods: A cohort of over 60 children with recurrent respiration infections was evaluated for specific antibody deficiencies (SAD) and for memory B-cell abnormalities. A control group of children without recurrent infections was also evaluated. Evaluation included a detailed history of immunizations with pneumococcal vaccines; determination of IgM, IgG, IgA, and IgE concentrations; measurement of anti-pneumococcal polysaccharide antibody levels by ELISA and expression of CD27, IgD, and IgM on peripheral CD19(+)B cells by flow cytometry to determine the proportions of naive, IgM-memory B cells, and class-switched memory B cells.
Results: Patients were classified as having a SAD to either pure polysaccharides (PPV-SAD) or to conjugate polysaccharides (PCV-SAD) based on the number of polysaccharides to which they developed an adequate antibody response. A normal response to only 2 or fewer of 7 PCV or PPV serotypes was considered as evidence of SAD. Forty-one patients without SAD and 26 with SAD were identified. IgM-memory B cells were low in 3 of 41 patients without SAD; in 3 of 5 PPV-SAD patients; and in 10 of 21 PCV-SAD patients. Class-switched memory B cells were low in 19 of 41 patients without SAD; in all 5 patients with PPV-SAD; and in 11 of 21PCV-SAD patients.
Conclusions: Patients with recurrent infection with or without SAD may have low IgM- and/or class-switched memory B cells. Ongoing research aims to determine the prognostic implications of these differences in patients with SAD.