Copper and ceruloplasmin levels in relation to total thiols and GST in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients

Indian J Clin Biochem. 2010 Jan;25(1):74-6. doi: 10.1007/s12291-010-0015-0. Epub 2010 Feb 10.


Presence of oxidative stress in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is well proved. Current study was undertaken to know the relation between fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and copper along with antioxidants like total thiols and ceruloplasmin, and antioxidant enzyme glutathione S transferase (GST). The study group consisted of a total of 201 subjects which included nondiabetic healthy control subjects (n = 78) and diabetic patients (n = 123). Plasma total thiols, GST, copper and ceruloplasmin levels were measured all the subjects using spectrophotometric methods and FPG levels were determined in clinical chemistry analyzer Hitachi 912. There was significant increase in FPG (P<0.001) and copper (P<0.001) and decrease in ceruloplasmin (P<0.001) and protein thiols (P<0.001) in type 2 DM cases compared to healthy controls. There was no significant change in GST between type 2 DM cases and controls. There was significant negative correlation of FPG with antioxidants like ceruloplasmin (r = -0.420, P<0.001) and total thiols (r = -0.565, P<0.001). Protein thiols correlated positively with ceruloplasmin (r = 0.364, P<0.001). Our study indicates possible increase in copper mediated generation of ROS leading to increased consumption of available antioxidants in the body.

Keywords: Ceruloplasmin; Copper; Glutathione S transferase; Oxidative stress; Type 2 diabetes mellitus.