Background: The accuracy of a stereolithographic surgical guide depends on several variables that can affect at any time from the software-planning stage to the surgical field.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of implants inserted using a single mucosa-supported stereolithographic surgical guide determining also the influence of surgical technique (fixed and not-fixed) and smoking on the deviation parameters.
Materials and methods: 11 patients, totally edentate in the upper arch and needed an implant-prosthetic rehabilitation, were selected. 95 implants were planned and inserted. The pre- and post-operative CT images were compared using software.
Results: Global, coronal (Mean: 1.65; Range: 3.00-0.13; SD:0.56) and apical (Mean: 2.15; Range: 4.23-0.34; SD:0.81), and angular (Mean: 4.62; Range: 15.25-0.28; SD: 2.74) deviation values were determined. The mean values of mucosa thickness in smokers and nonsmokers patients were 4.53 mm and 3.42 mm respectively (p < .05). The accuracy data showed a better result for the angular deviation when the surgical template was fixed (p = .002) and a better global apical deviation in the nonsmokers (p <. 05).
Conclusions: It is essential, especially in smoker patients, to respect a minimum safety distance of 3 mm from limiting anatomic structures.