Objective: To present one case of adrenal ganglioneuroma incidentally diagnosed in an adult.
Methods/results: 44-year-old woman with a 2.3 cm incidentaloma in the left adrenal gland diagnosed by CT scan. At 6 months, MRI was performed and a left adrenal nodule 3.7 cm was shown. Due to the progressive growth of the mass, surgery was indicated and left laparoscopic adrenalectomy was carried out. The final pathologic diagnosis was adrenal ganglioneuroma.
Conclusions: The ganglioneuroma is a tumor composed of Schwann cells and ganglion cells. Its location in the adrenal gland is unusual, most frequently affecting other regions. Being asymptomatic lesions, they are often detected incidentally when performing imaging tests. There are radiological features that differentiate them from other adrenal masses. The treatment of choice is surgery, with adrenalectomy.