Background: Social cognition is significantly impaired in schizophrenia and contributes to poor community functioning. This study examined whether cognitive remediation (CR; COGPACK), shown to improve neurocognition, improves an integral component of social cognition, emotion perception, compared with CR combined with a computerized Emotion Perception intervention (Mind Reading: Interactive Guide to Emotions [MRIGE]).
Methods: 59 stable schizophrenia or schizoaffective predominantly inpatients were randomized to either CR (N=27) alone or CR+MRIGE (N=32) for 12 weeks. Assessments included the Facial Emotion Identification Task (FEIT), Facial Emotion Discrimination Task (FEDT), MCCB-MATRICS, Personal and Social Performance Scale, and the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale.
Results: There was a significant group-by-time effect on FEIT (F=11.509, P=.004); CR+MRIGE demonstrated significantly greater improvement than CR alone (CR+MRIGE, Z=1.89, P=.05; CR alone Z=0.57, P=.13). There was significant group-by-time effect on FEDT (F=5.663, P=.022); CR+MRIGE demonstrated significantly greater improvement than CR alone (CR+MRIGE, Z=1.90, P=.05; CR alone Z=0.67, P=.21). There was also a significant group by time effect for social cognition, measured by the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (F=5.473, P=.050): CR+MRIGE demonstrated significantly greater improvement than CR alone (CR+MRIGE, Z=1.98, P=.02; CR alone, Z=1.00, P=.05).
Conclusions: Combined CR with emotion perception remediation produced greater improvements in emotion recognition, emotion discrimination, social functioning, and neurocognition compared with CR alone in chronic schizophrenia.