Background: The presence of circulating antibodies (CA) against human leukocyte antigen (HLA) and major-histocompatibility-complex class I-related chain A (MICA) antigens has been associated with worse renal function and reduced kidney allograft survival. We sought to describe the presence of donor-specific anti-HLA antibodies, non-donor specific antibodies, and antibodies against MICA antigens among a cohort of renal transplant recipients with respect to their evolution effects on renal function and occurrence of an acute rejection episode (AR) after transplantation.
Methods: This prospective study of 22 renal transplant recipients of deceased donor kidneys underwent studies of antibodies before and 3 months after grafting using Luminex technology.
Results: Ten patients (five men and five women) showed preexistent CA. Comparing patients with versus without preformed CA, we did not observe a significant difference in donor and recipient age or gender. Eight patients (80%) with CA had undergone induction treatment with anti-human-activated T-lymphocyte rabbit immunoglobulin and 2 (20%) with basiliximab. There were no differences between groups regarding the incidence of acute rejection episodes (ARE n = 3 each). There was one case of Banff grade IIB ARE in a patient without preexisting CA; the other episodes were low-grade cellular responses. There were no differences in other variables including cold ischemia time, HLA mismatches, panel-reactive antibody levels, number of transfusions, cytomegalovirus infection or renal function at discharge and 3 months later. Retransplantation was the only factor associated with preformed CA. Retransplantation and preformed CA were associated with CA at 3 months after transplantation.
Conclusions: CA monitoring is important for highly sensitized renal transplants, although our experience failed to show a difference in graft survival or renal function in the first 3 months' follow-up.
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