Objective: EGONE is an E-Learning Forum for Gynaecology, Obstetrics, Neonatology and Reproductive Endocrinology based on the Swiss Catalogue of Learning Objectives. For two semesters, students attending the gynaecology block at the Medical Faculty of the University of Ulm have been provided with licences to use EGONE. Students can work on a specially equipped computer and practise whenever they want. The aim of this study was to generate hypotheses as to which factors favour the use of EGONE and which didactic implications for the learning success the application of EGONE has.
Methods: During August 2009, 28 medical students in their 8th and 9th semester were interviewed after having completed their block of training in gynaecology. The instruments used included a questionnaire and a partially standardised interview.
Results: We found that the e-learning offering EGONE was basically met with a positive response from the medical students at the University of Ulm. Regarding the integration of EGONE, three problem areas were identified: shortage of equipment, lack of dependable access and functional, but not curricular integration. Students' suggestions for better integration of EGONE were related to two subject areas: establishing an assisted learning centre (e.g., PC pool with library) and developing curricular independence and relevance (e.g., specific application to patient cases, conducting seminars with EGONE).
Conclusion: The integration of the e-learning programme EGONE presupposes a logical, didactic concept for the whole clinical block of training in gynaecology as well as dependable, sufficient infrastructure and technical equipment and providing didactic support to users.
Copyright © 2012. Published by Elsevier GmbH.