Purpose: To evaluate the effects of oestrogen plus progestogen therapy (EPT) on the lipid metabolism of menopausal patients.
Methods: We conducted a prospective study on 223 patients with clinical and blood chemistry diagnosis of menopause, who were eligible for hormone therapy and a follow-up period lasting at least 5 years. We selected a control group. Patients attended annual or 6-monthly visits for the duration of the 5-year follow-up period. For each patient, total-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride values were considered at the first visit and after 5 years. We compared these values of the above parameters in relation to time and EPT and the repercussions that the presence/absence of replacement therapy had in terms of lipid profile alteration between the groups studied.
Results: Of the 223 patients eligible for enrolment, 178 made up the study group (EPT Group) and 45 made up the control cohort (N-EPT-Group). At the first visit, median value was (EPT-Group vs. N-EPT-Group): cholesterol was 240 versus 226 mg/dL, LDL-cholesterol 169 versus 174 mg/dL, HDL-cholesterol 60 mg/dL in both groups, triglyceride 125 versus 92 mg/dL (p:n.s). Five years later, median value was (EPT-Group versus N-EPT-Group): cholesterol 225 versus 236 mg/dL (p < 0.001), LDL-cholesterol 125 versus 184 mg/dL (p < 0.001), HDL-cholesterol 64 versus 68 mg/dL (p:n.s.), triglyceride 72 versus 94 mg/dL (p:n.s.). No adverse effects of EPT were observed.
Conclusions: Thorough risk/benefit assessment, associated with initially low doses and without rigid cutoffs, particularly when started early, EPT can be made a valid means of cardiovascular prevention, specifically because it positively alters the lipid profile of menopausal women.