Diagnosis and prediction of the severity of hepatitis C virus recurrence (HCVrec) after liver transplantation (LT) remain a challenge. MicroRNAs have been recently recognized as potential disease biomarkers. Archival liver biopsy samples from 43 HCV+ LT recipients were collected at clinical HCVrec time and at 3 years post-LT. Patients were classified as progressors (P = F0/F1) or nonprogressors (NP = F3/F4) according to the severity of fibrosis on the 3-year biopsy. Training (n = 27) and validation (n = 16) sets were defined. RNA was isolated from all biopsies at clinical HCVrec time, labeled and hybridized to miRNA-arrays. Progressors versus nonprogressors were compared using the two-sample t-test. A p-value ≤0.01 was considered significant. The ingenuity pathway analysis tool was used for microRNA and miRNA:mRNA ontology data integration. Nine microRNAs were differentially expressed between groups. A supervised cluster analysis separated samples in two well-defined groups (progressors vs. nonprogressors). Pathway analysis associated those microRNAs with hepatitis, steatosis, fibrosis, cirrhosis and T cell-related immune response. Data integration identified 17 genes from a previous genomic study as 9-microRNAs signature targets. Seven microRNAs were successfully validated in the validation set using QPCR. We have identified a 9-microRNA signature able to identify early post-LT patients at high risk of severe HCVrec during long-term follow-up.
© Copyright 2013 The American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.