The flavoprotein p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase has been studied extensively by biochemical techniques by others and in our laboratory by X-ray crystallography. As a result of the latter investigations, well-refined crystal structures are known of the enzyme complexed (i) with its substrate p-hydroxybenzoate and (ii) with its reaction product 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate and (iii) the enzyme with reduced FAD. Knowledge of these structures and the availability of the three-dimensional structure of a model compound for the reactive flavin 4a-hydroperoxide intermediate has allowed a detailed analysis of the reaction with oxygen. In the model of this reaction intermediate, fitted to the active site of p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase, all possible positions of the distal oxygen were surveyed by rotating this oxygen about the single bond between the C4a and the proximal oxygen. It was found that the distal oxygen is free to sweep an arc of about 180 degrees in the active site. The flavin 4a-peroxide anion, which is formed after reaction of molecular oxygen with reduced FAD, might accept a proton from an active-site water molecule or from the hydroxyl group of the substrate. The position of the oxygen to be transferred with respect to the substrate appears to be almost ideal for nucleophilic attack of the substrate onto this oxygen. The oxygen is situated above the 3-position of the substrate where the substitution takes place, at an angle of about 60 degrees with the aromatic plane, allowing strong interactions with the pi electrons of the substrate. Polarization of the peroxide oxygen-oxygen bond by the enzyme may enhance the reactivity of flavin 4a-peroxide.