Hearing loss accompanied with middle ear effusion was analyzed according to audiometric frequencies for different age group. Results for left and right ears were compared in/and between study and control group. Pure tone audiometry for bone and air conduction and tympanometry was performed in study group of ninety-eight children with conductive hearing loss and otitis media with effusion. Control group included fifty-seven children with hearing loss, enlarged adenoids, dysfunction of Eustachian tube and no present middle ear effusion served. Means of hearing loss thresholds for 250 Hz-4 kHz were established and compared between groups of right vs. left ears of tested vs. control ears according to age subgroups: 1-3 yr, 4-6 yr, 7-9 yr, 10-12 yr, 13-15 yr. At age 1-3 yr otitis media with effusion children showed no ear side difference in hearing loss. Age groups of 4-6 and 7-9 yr otitis media with effusion children showed left ears with higher threshold of hearing loss across all of the tested frequencies than right ears in study and control ears. Right ears showed smaller hearing loss in study and control group and no age group predicted for hearing impairment. Higher hearing loss threshold for 4 kHz in adolescence in otitis media with effusion ears is early sign of sequels after repetitive episodes of middle ear effusion. Control groups showed no ear side or age group dependent difference of hearing loss threshold. Age group of 4-6 and 7-9 y have faster craniofacial structural change in soft tissue than bone base so ear side differences suggest being developmentally determined.