The aim of this paper is to enable model guided multi-scale and multi-modal image integration for the head and neck anatomy. The image modality used for this purpose includes multi-pose Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Mega Voltage CT, and hand-held Optical Coherence Tomography. A biomechanical model that incorporates subject-specific young's modulus and shear modulus properties is developed from multi-pose MRI, positioned in the treatment setup using Mega Voltage CT (MVCT), and actuated using multiple kinect surface cameras to mimic patient postures during Optical Coherence Microscopy (OCM) imaging. Two different 3D tracking mechanisms were employed for aligning the patient surface and the probe position to the MRI data. The results show the accuracy of the two tracking algorithms and the 3D head and neck deformation representing the multiple poses, the subject will take during the OCM imaging.