The occurrence contagious diseases such as measles, varicella, mumps and rubella in the hospital open creates situations of alarm, due to the potential involvement of workers, but most importantly for the oftentimes harmful consequences for critical patients, such as pregnant women or immunocompromised individuals. In 2007 antibody titration was initiated in our hospital for four infectious diseases, also pursuant to the Lombardy Region Resolution N. VIII/1587 of 22-12-2005 "Decisions regarding vaccinations in children and adults in the Lombardy Region" which indicate the departments in which a priority exists: maternity-neonatal and infectious illnesses. In 2011 a vaccination campaign was launched for unprotected operators in the Health and Medical Management departments: after an interview with the competent physician of reference, the subjects voluntary submitted themselves to vaccination. The protective antibody data encountered over the years are similar to that reported in the literature, with coverage percentages greater than 93% for varicella and rubella, over 89% for measles and over 85% for mumps. Approximately 80% of the operators are protected against all four diseases. However, the dramatic consequences of potential contagion lead us to strongly recommend vaccinations for non-protected subjects. At present 37 operators have been vaccinated with the trivalent MMR vaccine (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) and 14 for Varicella. The antibody response was verified in all cases.