During the activities of the Apulia Regional Operative Center (COR Puglia), pertaining to the National Registry of Mesothelioma (ReNaM), there was reported a case of malignant mesothelioma occurred in a male of 66 years old. The case we bring to the attention is about an university professor of chemistry who, since the early '70s, has conducted several studies on the physico-chemical properties of some metals, particulary in the field of thermochemical treatments of superficial hardening of steel for greater wear resistance, using a laboratory with ovens and asbestos-containing materials and consumables. In 2011, after almost 40 years, the subject comes to the attention of the Apulia Regional Operative Center, with histologic and immunohistochemical diagnosis of epithelioid mesothelioma, after completing the diagnostic procedure in a thoracic surgery ward, for the assessment and treatment of a right pleural effusion revealed during health checks.